ENDOWMENT: Syncrude bankrolls aboriginal scholarship at MacEwen University

EDMONTON – Syncrude Canada has endowed a new scholarship for aboriginal business students at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton. Named after the outgoing Edmonton mayor, the Stephen Mandel Aboriginal Business Award will be presented for...

EDMONTON – Syncrude Canada has endowed a new scholarship for aboriginal business students at Grant MacEwan University in Edmonton. Named after the outgoing Edmonton mayor, the Stephen Mandel Aboriginal Business Award will be presented for the first time in 2014.

The annual $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to one student enrolled either full- or part-time in any program in the school of business. The student must provide proof of confirmed First Nations, Metis or Inuit heritage and be in good academic standing.

Syncrude has a more-than-40-year record of working to ensure local Aboriginal people achieve success in all areas that affect quality of life including education, employment, leadership and business. Of the company's total workforce, about 9% of employees are of self-declared First Nations, Metis or Inuit descent, making the company one of Canada's largest employers of Aboriginal people.

"On behalf of Syncrude, I would like to personally thank Mayor Mandel for his leadership and all his contributions. His commitment to ensuring the long term success of aboriginal people living in the capital region mirrors Syncrude's long-held vision for aboriginal people in Alberta," said Scott Sullivan, president and CEO.

For further information contact Maggie Grant, community investment co-ordinator by phone at 780-790-6356 or email grant.maggie@syncrude.com.


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