Public hearing planned for Deep Geologic Repository Project

The Joint Review Panel for the Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste (DGR) announces it has scheduled the public hearing on September 16, 2013, for the project.

The Joint Review Panel for the Deep Geologic Repository Project for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste (DGR) announces it has scheduled the public hearing on September 16, 2013, for the project.

The DGR is a proposal by Ontario Power Generation to prepare a site, and construct and operate a facility for the long-term management of low and intermediate level radioactive waste at the Bruce Nuclear site, within the Municipality of Kincardine, Ontario. Low level radioactive waste consists of industrial items that have become contaminated during routine clean up and maintenance activities at nuclear generating stations. Intermediate level radioactive waste consists primarily of used nuclear reactor components, ion-exchange resins, and filters used to purify reactor systems. Used nuclear fuel will not be stored or managed in the DGR.

The Panel has determined that the Environmental Impact Statement and the documents in support of the application for a Licence to Prepare a Site and Construct, along with additional information supplied by Ontario Power Generation, is sufficient to proceed to a public hearing.

The public hearing will held at a venue in the project area. More information on the location and dates of the hearing sessions, as well as a schedule will be available in advance of the hearing.

The public hearing will give participants the opportunity to hear about the project and its potential environmental effects and to provide their views to the Panel. The hearing will also allow the proponent to present an overview of the project. Any person may attend the public hearing as an observer.


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