DECORUM: Australian pub bans mining work wear

For all the examples that are counter to the stereotype, Australia still bears a reputation as a rough-and-ready part of the world. And who might be rougher or readier than an Australian miner?


For all the examples that are counter to the stereotype, Australia still bears a reputation as a rough-and-ready part of the world. And who might be rougher or readier than an Australian miner?

Tired of the fisticuffs, one pub manager in Port Hedland reportedly banned its patrons from wearing their work gear. The move has significantly reduced violent incidents between miners.

Manager Tom Keefe reported said that logos on work wear bought out animosity between those working for different companies. What often began as joking in the early hours would become a knock-down-drag-out by the end of an alcoholic evening, particularly if one company was accused of poaching another company's employees.

Now that pugnacious behaviour has all but disappeared, the pub is busier than ever. Families are returning with their children, and attendance at fundraising events for different sporting groups is growing. According to Keefe's estimate, his business is serving almost four times the number of customers it used to before the work gear was banned.

Pride in one's employer is generally a good thing, but let's not let it get in the way of a pleasant night out.


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