GOLD: Over 2.7 kg/tonne drilled near Timmins

ONTARIO – There is gold – pots and pots of gold – in Timmins if the recent drill results from the Ogden project are anything to go by. The highest assay returned was 2,732.6 g/t over 0.93 metres within a 12.53-metre section...

ONTARIO – There is gold – pots and pots of gold – in Timmins if the recent drill results from the Ogden project are anything to go by. The highest assay returned was 2,732.6 g/t over 0.93 metres within a 12.53-metre section that assayed 210.19 g/t (uncut).

The Odgen gold project is a 50:50 joint venture of Vancouver-based Goldcorp and Metals Creek Resources Corp. (the operator) of Gander, NL. The property includes the former producing Naybob gold mine.

The drill program consisted of eight holes targeting the Thomas Ogden zone (TOZ) which were designed to test the on-strike and down dip extent of previously defined gold mineralization, explained Metals Creek. The TOZ occurs along the Porcupine-Destor Break within a zone of albitized sediments and strongly silicified felsic porphyries with associated pyrite and arsenopyrite mineralization. This horizon is located within a package of variably folded mafic and ultramafic volcanics and the high grade sub-zones exhibit a strong correlation with the interpreted fold hinges.

More information about the Ogden project (and some beautiful photos of visible gold in core) is available at


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