BRITISH COLUMBIA – Banks Island Gold of Vancouver is making good progress at its Yellow Giant gold project on the west coast of Banks Island, 120 km south of Prince Rupert.
The 35-person floating camp has been achored in Wreck Bay as a base from which to carry out exploration and development activities. To accommodate it, a dock and barge landing were built. Roads now connect four deposits, and the mine portals at the Bob, Tel and Disco zones are finished. A plant site has been chosen and work to refurbish the dense media plant is on schedule.
Meanwhile, the drills on Banks Island continue to turn. So far a measured resource of 31,000 tonnes grading 23.4 g/t Au and 44 g/t Ag, an indicated resoruce of 47,000 tonnes grading 22.7 g/t Au and 43 g/t Ag, and an inferred resource of 81,000 tonnes at 13.7 g/t Au and 28 g/t Ag have been outlined.
The most recent Yellow Giant 43-101 report and a gallery of informative pictures are available at