GOLD: Strike updates work at Edwards mine

ONTARIO – The bulk sampling program by Strike Minerals of Toronto continues at its Edwards gold mine, 50 km east of Wawa. The area of interest is the 60-metre level of the Edwards No.1 quartz vein. One lift has been completed resulting in...





ONTARIO – The bulk sampling program by Strike Minerals of Toronto continues at its Edwards gold mine, 50 km east of Wawa. The area of interest is the 60-metre level of the Edwards No.1 quartz vein. One lift has been completed resulting in approximately 225 tonnes of material. Chip samples taken earlier from the vein had a weighted average assay of 25.45 g/t Au over an average 1.5-metre width.

Strike says the dewatering of the former mine is now at 140 metres and underground development is continuing on the 60-metre and 90-metres levels. Drifting is planned to intersecte a number of mineralized zones that were identified during surface drilling.

The company noted in a release that development mining mucked 1,100 tonnes of material averaging 12.83 g/t Au from the No.1 vein and 2,000 tonnes grading 2.0 g/t from other underground locations. The material is stockpiled on the surface.

The Edwards veins were discovered in 1924. Learn more at


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