QUEBEC – Golden Hope Mines of Montreal continues to intersect bonanza grades at its Bellechasse-Timmins gold deposit in the southeast part of the province. A step out hole returned a weighted average assay of 144.61 g/t Au over 1.0 metre. The step out hole was drilled in the T2 zone where the company reported “spectacular” grades including 6,140 g/t Au over 1.0 metre last January.
"The intersection of visible gold in hole BD2012-195 at 336 metres confirms our model that a high grade zone (nicknamed the Jewellery zone) is developing on the western flank of T2 zone. The core appearance; visible gold, brecciated arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite in quartz-carbonate is almost exactly the same as the core intersected in BD2011-167 at similar elevation," states Claude Duplessis, a qualified person at GoldMinds Geoservices.
"Intersecting visible gold of this magnitude is always very exciting. It suggests that the high grade mineralization at Bellechasse-Timmins is more extensive than previously known," said Golden Hope president Frank Candido in a news release.
The Bellechasse area was the site of an 1828 gold rush. Get more details in the corporate fact sheet posted at