GOLD EXPLORATION: BCGold dewaters 7 level of Engineer mine

BRITISH COLUMBIA – Vancouver-based BCGold Corp. says it has successfully dewatered the 7 level of the Engineer mine that had been submerged since the mine, located 32 km west of Atlin, closed in 1928. Air and water services have been...






BRITISH COLUMBIA – Vancouver-based BCGold Corp. says it has successfully dewatered the 7 level of the Engineer mine that had been submerged since the mine, located 32 km west of Atlin, closed in 1928. Air and water services have been re-established to the level, and the timber and track remain in excellent condition.

The company has also confirmed that the Engineer vein that extends for 173 metres on 7 level shows visible gold in three locations along the drift. BCGold said in a news release: The Engineer vein ranges from 0.5 metres to 1.0 metres in width for 157 metres along the 7 level drift. The vein dips vertically and exhibits similar textures and mineralogy to vein exposures in the main 5 level workings. … The [7 level] vein is open to the northeast along strike and is 0.6 metre wide in the northeast face. In the far southwest end of the drift the vein narrows to approximately 0.2 metre, which is consistent with 5 level.

BCGold also collected several high grade gold specimens from surface trenching along the Shaft vein 215 metres northeast of the Engineer vein. The Shaft vein occurs as a northwest striking, steeply dipping 0.3 to 0.8-metre-wide quartz and calcite vein with occasional coarse free gold. The Shaft Vein has been traced by surface trenching for over 50 metres along strike and is known to extend more than 113 metres below surface to 5 level where the company collected a high grade grab sample that assayed 860 g/t Au and 1,774 g/t Ag in 2008. A 28-metre-deep shaft was excavated on Shaft vein in the late 1920s. The Shaft vein has never been drill tested.

Please visit to read about BCGold’s strategy for exploration and development of the Engineer gold mine.


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