Overland Resources
Overland Resources Limited conducted a significant and successful exploration and development program during 2011 on its Yukon Base Metal Project which incorporates the Selous Project located approximately 100 km north of the town of Faro in the Yukon Territory. The program included 74 diamond drill holes for 10,489 m. Some analytical results received were 19 m at 8.0% zinc, 8.0 m at 19.4% zinc, 6.0 m at 15.4% zinc, and 6.0 m at 12.5% zinc.
Additionally the company undertook extensive soil sampling, trenching geological mapping and increased its land holding in 2011 by over 200%. In conjunction with the exploration program the company also undertook work essential for mine design, planning and development. This included geotechnical analysis of pit walls, ABA and ARD test work on tailing and waste rock material, ground water sampling and environmental baseline monitoring.
The property lies within the Selwyn Basin. The Selwyn Basin is ranked number three in the world in zinc and lead contained metal endowment in SEDEX deposits behind the Mount Isa – McArthur Basin and Curnamona Craton hosting the enormous Broken Hill deposit in Australia.
The principal mineralization found to date on the Selous Project consists of structurally focused zinc-lead-sulphide mineralization occurring as course grained open space fill in veins and breccia zones hosted within a classic Selwyn Basin sedimentary sequence of Devonian through to Cambrian age.
Overland Resources has discovered three high grade shallow zinc deposits on the project. Soil geochemistry has been the primary targeting tool utilized with all three deposits located within a 2,500 m northwest trending mineralized corridor defined by zinc in soil geochemistry.
The company runs and operates a 50 person camp to support its field operations and activities. This camp is serviced by Twin Otter aircraft through the summer bringing in all supplies and personnel. Fuel is also transported by aircraft and stored in three 40,000L Arctic King fuel bladders on site.