MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS: Canada Chrome, Carlisle Goldfields, Century Iron, and Golden Predator

Her Worship Chief Theresa Okimaw-Hall is the new executive director of Canada Chrome Corp., a subsidiary of KWG Resources of Montreal. She is the first female chief of the Attawapiskat First Nation and was for many years a justice of the peace...

Her Worship Chief Theresa Okimaw-Hall is the new executive director of Canada Chrome Corp., a subsidiary of KWG Resources of Montreal. She is the first female chief of the Attawapiskat First Nation and was for many years a justice of the peace in Cochrane, ON.

Carlisle Goldfields of Toronto has named Rick Adams its new COO. He is a graduate of the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology. The company has also created a geological advisory council consisting of Chris Dougherty, Pierre Gagne and Gilles Filion.

The new chairman of Century Iron Mines in Quebec City is Marcel Aubut, who has a background in commercial law.

Vancouver-based Golden Predator has named Michael Maslowski as COO and Randall (Randy) Peterson as chief mining engineer. Maslowski, formerly the company's VP exploration, was previously the assistant general manager for Palmarejo mine in Mexico. Golden Predator is preparing to make a production decision on its Brewery Creek gold property before long.


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