MINING PEOPLE IN THE NEWS: Teck, Tintina and Trevali

Vancouver-based Teck Resources is making a number of senior management changes. Doug Horswill, senior VP sustainability and external affairs, is retiring on Jan. 1, 2012, after 20 years with the company's executive team. Mike Agg, senior VP...

Vancouver-based Teck Resources is making a number of senior management changes. Doug Horswill, senior VP sustainability and external affairs, is retiring on Jan. 1, 2012, after 20 years with the company's executive team. Mike Agg, senior VP zinc, is retiring next summer after 30 years with the company. Also retiring after 20 years with Teck is Jim Utley, VP human resources, effective Dec. 1, 2011. Marcia Smith, currently VP corporate affairs will replace Horswill and Rob Scott, VP operational excellence, will replace Agg. Graham Foyle-Twining will joint Teck on Dec. 1 as VP human resources. Ray Reipas is promoted to senior VP energy, effective immediately.

Tintina Mines of Toronto has named Juan Enrique Rassmuss to chair the board and Juan Rassmuss, the controlling shareholder, has been appointed chairman emeritus. The company also welcomes Ricardo Landeta and Brock Bundy to its board.

As production nears at its Halfmile mine in New Brunswick, Trevali Mining has made key personnel appointments at the mine. John Griggs, long-time mining engineer at the Brunswick 12 operations, will become general manager. Garnet Klause brings 23 years of experience to the superintendent's job. The job of safety, health and human resources manager goes to Diane Hebert, who recently held a similar role at Cementation Canada. Mark Donnelly, also from the Brunswick mine and smelter, will be manager of financial controls, accounting and purchasing.


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