ENVIRONMENT: Canada, Alberta join forces to monitor oil sands

OTTAWA - Federal environment minister Peter Kent today released a plan - integrating water, air and biodiversity - for oil sands monitoring. It will be implemented jointly by the Alberta and Canadian governments.



OTTAWA - Federal environment minister Peter Kent today released a plan - integrating water, air and biodiversity - for oil sands monitoring. It will be implemented jointly by the Alberta and Canadian governments.

The first part of the plan, covering initial water quality monitoring, was introduced in March 2011. The release of the complete plan today includes components for monitoring air quality, biodiversity, and the next phase of water quality monitoring. The plan will provide the scientific foundation necessary to provide governments and industry with the information that they need to continue to ensure the environmentally sustainable development of this important resource.

Environment Canada says the Alberta and federal plans do not overlap, as scientists from each level of government will manage the areas best suited to their areas of expertise and jurisdiction.

Information about the plan is posted at Environment Canada's website, www.ec.gc.ca. Search for "oil sands 2011."


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