ONTARIO - Ottawa-based Northern Graphite has successfully test manufactured graphene using large flake graphite from the company's Bissett Creek project located between Ottawa and North Bay.
The company says its standard 95% C, large flake graphite was evaluated as a source material for making graphene by an eminent professor in the field at the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is doing research making graphene sheets larger than 30 cm2 in size using the graphene oxide methodology. The tests indicated that graphene made from Northern's jumbo flake is superior to Chinese powder and large flake graphite in terms of size, higher electrical conductivity, lower resistance and greater transparency.
Graphene was first isolated by scientists at the University of Manchester who won the Noble Prize for Physics in 2010 for their efforts. Graphene is transparent in infra-red and visible light, flexible, and stronger than steel. It conducts heat 10 times faster than copper and can carry 1,000 times the density of electrical current of copper wire. Graphene is expected to be a revolutionary material that could change the technology of semi-conductors and LCD touch screens and monitors, create super small transistors and super dense data storage, increase energy storage and solar cell efficiency, and will transform many other applications.
The Bissett Creek property was first staked in 1980. A feasibility study was completed in 1989, but the mine was not put into production due to declining graphite prices. The current preliminary economic assessment is available at www.NorthernGraphite.com.