QUEBEC and ONTARIO - Ah, there is nothing like bonanza gold grades to bring a smile to this writer's lips or the faces of CMJ readers. Here are two to ponder.
Montreal-based Sirios Resources reports assays up to 834.4 g/t Au over 1.71 metres (24.3 opt over 5.6 ft) from the Moman vein at its Aquilon property in James Bay, QC. The same core included a 0.40-metre section that assayed 3,627.4 g/t Au. The poorest result reported was 26.7 g/t over 0.4 metres from the Muscovite vein. Recent drilling totalled 1,926 metres in 35 short vertical holes targeting four separate veins. (
Drilling in the Timmins Gold Camp in northern Ontario, Temex Resources of Toronto has cut as much as 180.0 g/t Au 0ver 0.50 metres in the Upper Q zone. The Bonetal mine footwall returned 20.5 g/t Au over 1.70 metres and 54.0 g/t over 0.60 metres. Assays are pending on another 15 holes. (
These are only two of the hundreds of active gold exploration projects in Canada. The high gold price, predicted by at least one pundit to be headed for US$2,000/oz this year, is keeping the heat on gold plays.