QUEBEC - Aurizon Mines of Vancouver is testing the Albion process to treat ore from the Hosco gold deposit at its Joanna project 20 km east of Rouyn-Noranda. The patented Albion process for sulphide ores was developed in 1994 by Xstrata researchers. It involves ultrafine grinding in stirred mills followed by atmospheric leaching with oxygen at atmospheric pressure.
The tests completed to date indicate that the Albion process will result in recovering 85.1% of the gold in the ore. The presence of a large quantity of pyrrhotite in the Hosco ore increases oxygen consumption, and the presence of biotite and albite in the concentrate results in increased acid consumption. The company said it is planning to test alternatives to and variations of the Albion process.
According to the pre-feasibility study, the Joanna project could produce 100,000 oz of gold annually after a pre-production capital expenditure of $187 million.
To learn more about the Albion process, visit