SASKATCHEWAN - Toronto-based Denison Mines has confirmed the continuity of the Phoenix trend thanks to the results of the final 13 holes of its summer drill program at the Wheeler River property between McArthur River and Key Lake. The company says the overall strike length of Zone A is 306 metres and Zone B is 261 metres.
Significant results included WR-343 which returned 16.20% eU3O8 (equivalent uranium oxide) over 1.7 metres and WR-345 which intersected 2.7 metres grading 17.59% eU3O8, both of which were in Zone A of the Phoenix trend. In Zone B, WR-347 returned 9.88% eU3O8 over 2.0 metres and WR-348 intersected 6.28% eU3O8 over 2.8 metres. The grades reflect a 0.05% U3O8 cutoff.
Denison is the 60% owner and operator of the Wheeler River project. Cameco holds a 30% interest, and JCU (Canada) Exploration holds the remaining 10%.
Detailed information about Wheeler River is posted at