ENVIRONMENT: Call for mine reclamation papers

ALASKA - The Northern Latitudes Mining Reclamation Workshop to be held May 2011 in Fairbanks is seeking submis...


ALASKA - The Northern Latitudes Mining Reclamation Workshop to be held May 2011 in Fairbanks is seeking submissions for presentations and posters for the event. Some of the themes the organizers would like to explore are northern climate conditions, abandoned mine site remediation, using local knowledge, and case histories (both what worked and what didn't).

The workshop is a joint project by a variety of Canadian and American agencies to promote interaction among individuals working in the mining industry's reclamation and remediation sectors. The emphasis will be on full-scales projects that result in practical solutions. Participation from industry, First Nations, native corporations and government departments is welcome.

Abstracts covering a wide and diverse range of issues and conditions are invited. They must include the title, authors, author affiliation and a brief outline of the information to be discussed. They must be submitted as a Word document before Jan. 31, 2011 to either of the following people:

Bill Price at bprice@NRCan.gc.ca, 250-847-9335 (phone) or 250-847-7603 (fax).

Joe Wehrman at joe.wehrman@aslaska.gov, 907-269-8630 (phone) or 907-269-8930 (fax).

Presentations should be 25 minutes long and in Power Point format. Proceedings will be distributed digitally to all participants.


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