ONTARIO - St Andrew Goldfields of Toronto has completed the second phase of drilling at the Smoke Deep zone in the Holloway mine near Matheson, confirming previous results and extending the zone of high-grade gold mineralization. Recent holes returned 5.54 g/t Au over 2.5 metres, 5.72 g/t over 3.6 metres including 9.24 g/t over 2.2 metres, and 4.40 g/t over 36.0 metres including 11.16 g/t over 7.5 metres (all true widths).
The Smoke Deep zone is located halfway between the Lightning zone where historical production yielded 9.1 million oz of gold and the Blacktop zone that is being currently mined.
A map of the Smoke Deep long section is available at www.SASgoldmines.com/i/maps/SDLongSection-22Jun10-WEB.jpg.