HOT TOPIC: Whither Kidd copper and zinc?

If Xstrata were forced to divest its Kidd metallurgical plants in Timmins, ON, rather than close them, could a...

If Xstrata were forced to divest its Kidd metallurgical plants in Timmins, ON, rather than close them, could a new owner make a profit operating the copper smelter and zinc plant?

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If you have a comment on this topic or a suggestion for a future question, please send it to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales,

Last week: We asked CMJ readers last week how long they could survive the economic consequences of a prolonged strike. There was no consensus, but 38% said they could walk the picket line for two to six months. Seventeen per cent said less than a month, and 10% said six months to a year. The remainder were evenly split between the "two years" and "forever" options.


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