CORRECTION: Lamaque reopening

There were some inaccuracies in our recent article about the planned reopening of the Lamaque gold mine in Que...






There were some inaccuracies in our recent article about the planned reopening of the Lamaque gold mine in Quebec, pointed out Peter Bell of Century Mining, owner of the project. Below are his corrections.


"Century plans to get into action quickly in early 2010 by having the power turned on at site in late January, the underground reopened in February, and the stockpiling of ore as early as March. The company is concurrently upgrading the crusher facilities and expects to pour gold in the second quarter of 2010. Century has defined close to 5.5 million oz of gold at the Lamaque mine complex and looks to be producing approximately 45,000 oz in 2010. The Lamaque gold mine will reach commercial production in 2011, where output will reach approximately 60,000 oz, and climb to just over 100,000 oz/y by 2013."


The appropriate changes have been made to the online article.


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