Protesters rally against Quebec uranium mining

More than 1000 protesters marched in Sept-Iles, Quebec, last weekend in support of 20 doctors who have threate...





More than 1000 protesters marched in Sept-Iles, Quebec, last weekend in support of 20 doctors who have threatened to quit practicing because of plans to build a uranium mine near Lac Kachiwiss, a small community about 900 kilometres northeast of Montreal.

  The controversial uranium project, operated by Terra Ventures Inc. of Vancouver, had been closed because the onset of winter made it impossible to continue work anyway but it still became the focus of attention by the protesters as part of an overall call on the Quebec government to place a moratorium on uranium exploration in the province.

  Terra Ventures says that no drilling had been done at the site since 2008 and recent exploration reports show the property does not have a sufficiently high grade of ore to justify the heavy investment for a mine.


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