HOT TOPIC: Using replacement workers in Sudbury

On Oct. 20, the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that Vale Inco has the right to ask its non-striking offi...

On Oct. 20, the Ontario Labour Relations Board ruled that Vale Inco has the right to ask its non-striking office employees to do the work of its striking mine and mill workers in Sudbury. Our question is simple:


           Do you agree or disagree with the Labour Board's ruling?


As usual, go to our website,, and click on the Hot Topic box on the right hand side of the page to vote.


If you have a comment on this topic or a suggestion for a future question, please send it to the Net News editor, Marilyn Scales,


Last week: CMJ asked its readers whether or not they believe Canadian mining companies that work in developing countries have good human rights track records. Watching the results roll in over the week was interesting. First, most readers said "yes" their track records were good. Then later in the week, the "no" contingent pulled ahead. When that happens, I sometimes wonder if the anti-mining lobby has asked all its friends to vote with it. There is no way to know where an individual vote comes from, and no way to know if the result in this case truly reflects the industry's opinion.


In the end, about one-third of the people who responded believe Canadian miners are mindful of human rights, and two-thirds did not.


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