BRITISH COLUMBIA — Compliance Energy Corp. of Vancouver has been updating its Raven coal resource from inferred to measured and indicated, thanks to the results of this year's drilling program. The measured and indicated categories total 39 million tonnes, and the inferred category is 59 million tonnes. The project is located on Vancouver Island.
The seam of primary economic interest is No.1. It has been intersected in all of the 20 holes drilled so far, and an average seam thickness of 3.23 metres is reported. Also of interest is the No.3 seam, which was intersected in 16 of the 20 holes. It has an average thickness of 2.61 metres.
The Raven coal project is part of the Comox joint venture in which Compliance holds a 60% interest. Partners Itocu Corp. and LG International each hold 20%. Work on a bankable feasibility study is underway.
Continuing news of the Raven project will be posted at