Our readers have responded to our hunt for the tallest headframe in Canada. They suggested the old Con headframe in Yellowknife (76.2 metres), the No.2 headframe at Kidd Creek (71.8 metres) and the one at Brunswick Mining & Smelting (88.4 metres). Other suggestions were the Creighton No.9, new Red Lake Gold Mines and LaRonde headframes.
I believe the honour of being the tallest headframe in Canada goes to the K2 headframe at 94.80 metres (311 feet and ¾ inch). The number was supplied by mine maintenance superintendent Glen Joubert. The K2 mine is one of two potash mines belonging to Mosaic Co. at Esterhazy, SK.
Maybe height isn't everything, as John Charlton of Charlton Mining Exploration in St-Lazare, QC, wrote, "As an ex-Con myself and due to the iconic status of the Con headframe to frequent flyers in and out of Yellowknife, I say it's the highest – if not in reality, certainly in terms of affection."