SILVER EXPLORATION: Klondike to test former Silvana mine

BRITISH COLUMBIA - Vancouver's Klondike Silver is preparing to test mine the former Silvana silver-zinc-lead mine 5...

BRITISH COLUMBIA — Vancouver's Klondike Silver is preparing to test mine the former Silvana silver-zinc-lead mine 50 km northwest of Nelson. A program of underground rehabilitation is underway on the 4755 level. Initial test mining will be carried out by sub-drifting in the Main Lode structure toward areas beyond the limits of the former stopes.


The Silvana mine operated from 1977 until it closed in 1991. The Main Lode is a zone of faulting and brecciation up to 50 metres thick that dips in a south-to-southwest direction. Economic mineralization was found in narrow lenses (less than 2 metres thick) extending 10 metres or more. About 1.4 million tonnes of ore was mined from a zone within the Main Lode at elevations between 1,200 and 1,700 metres.


Klondike has identified several small but potentially economically mineable areas that lie roughly 30 metres or more above the main 4625 level adit. Detailed re-examination of historic records, including assays from diamond drill holes and chip and channel samples, show the possibility of mineralized areas amenable to small-scale, selective mining.

The work program now under way includes replacing a timbered ore chute on the 4625 level at the base of the gravity muck pass from the 4755 level, rehabilitating the skipway and manway between the two levels, re-establishing compressed air, water and electrical services and bringing mining equipment up to the 4755 level.


Klondike has an extensive land package in the area, including the a fully permitted 100-t/d mill in Sandon, less than 5 km from the Silvana mine.


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