Six-unit loader sale to Brazil
In the largest loader sale in LeTourneau history, Brazil’s Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD) will take delivery of six L-1850 wheel loaders in the coming months. The machines will be used as primary production tools at CVRD’s Itabira and Carajs operations. Completed through SRR-Rimi, the sale will place three units each at CVRD’s Itabira and Carajs operations. The Itabira loaders will have 24-yd3 buckets, while those delivered to Carajs will feature 22-yd3 buckets. All six units will be matched with 240-280-ton trucks.
These are additional, not replacement, machines, and their delivery will expand LeTourneau’s presence in Brazil. In addition to six new L-1850s, CVRD’s current fleet includes L-1100, L-1400, and L-1800 loaders.
CVRD is the world’s leading producer of iron ore. Located in Longview, Tex., LeTourneau, Inc. is a leading manufacturer of self-elevating offshore drilling rigs, electric drive and control systems, drilling equipment, steel plate, forestry equipment, and wheel loaders. For more information visit