HOT TOPIC: Do you support the new Ontario Mining Act?

The old Ontario Mining Act of 1873 will soon be replaced by a new one intent on bringing mineral industry regulatio...


The old Ontario Mining Act of 1873 will soon be replaced by a new one intent on bringing mineral industry regulation into the 21st Century. It is likely to be the topic of conversation in many parts of the province, and CMJ would like to know whether or not our readers support the proposed new Act.


Please go to and vote by clicking on the Hot Topic box on the right to indicate your level of support.


Last week we asked our readers to guess when the price of gold will again top US$1,000 per ounce. Not many of you are hopeful that it will happen by the end of May (13%) or the end of June (17%). However, 30% believe that price threshold will be reached in the third quarter of 2009, and 20% opted for the fourth quarter. That left 20% thinking that it will be sometime in 2010. Time will tell …


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