SHORT COURSE: Effluent treatment sponsored by CMP

OTTAWA — The Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP) is holding a one-day sort course on mine drainage and effluent...

OTTAWA — The Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP) is holding a one-day sort course on mine drainage and effluent treatment on Monday, Jan. 19, 2009. Emphasis will be placed on active treatment technologies including system design, performance and costs as they related to existing systems.


The course will cover water management, basics of active treatment, processes, sludge management, pit lake treatment, plant design and costs, membrane treatment as well as the removal of arsenic, molybdenum, selenium and sulphates. Case histories will be discussed. The coarse will be presented by water treatment expert Bernard Aubé of EnvirAubé and Canmet's mine waste program manager Janice Zinck. Both a CD-ROM and hardcopy of the course notes will be provided to the participants. Register at


Immediately following the course, the CMP will hold its three-day annual conference at the Westin Hotel, Ottawa. Information is available and delegates may register online at


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