Toronto-based IamGold Corporation has named Brian Chandler its senior VP of African operations. The company has interests in two gold mines in Mali, two in Ghana and one in Botswana.
Rio Tinto, headquartered in London, U.K., has make two key nominations. Jacynthe Côté, currently president and CEO of primary metal at Rio Tinto Alcan, will take over from Dick Evans as Rio's CEO on Feb. 1, 2009. Jim Leng has joined the board as chairman designate to be confirmed at the April 2009 annual general meeting.
Dr. Nigel Smith will become the new director of the Sudbury Neutrino Laboratory (SNO Lab) underground science facility on June 1, 2009. Smith comes from STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in England where he is deputy division head of precision weak physics and dark matter group leader. He is also project manager of the Boulby underground facility and the Zeplin III dark matter experiment as well as a visiting professor at Imperial College, London.
War Eagle Mining of Vancouver has named Jeffery W. Lantz its president and CEO, effective immediately. His is a former senior attorney at BHP Billiton.
Mike Kilbourne has taken over the president's role at White Pine Resources of Toronto.