COMMUNITY SUPPORT: HudBay donates $1M for Flin Flon and Creighton region

MANITOBA HUDBAY MINERALS of Winnipeg was issuing press releases at a record pace last week, and this one is good ...
MANITOBA HUDBAY MINERALS of Winnipeg was issuing press releases at a record pace last week, and this one is good news. The company is donating $1 million for the create of a new 80th Anniversary Fund to support community-based programs in the Flin Flon-Creighton region.

The HudBay 80th Year Anniversary Fund will ask local citizens, groups and young people to submit their ideas for sustainable, community improvement projects that will add to the character of the Flin Flon-Creighton region. The fund will enable the region to bring those projects to life.

A steering committee comprising representatives from Flin Flon, Creighton, the Flin Flon & District Chamber of Commerce, and HudBay will determine the terms of reference for allocating the $1 million over a five years. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce representative will act as chair and the Chamber will be responsible for providing administrative services to support the steering committee.

HudBay owns the 777, Trout Lake and Chisel North mines and a concentrator near Snow Lake as well as a concentrator, copper smelter and zinc plant at Flin Flon. It also owns a metals marketing company and the Zochem zinc oxide plant in Ontario, the White Pine copper refinery in Michigan and the recently-closed (see above) Balmat zinc mine in New York. The company's website is at


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