Which kind of mine would CMJ readers not mind living next to? We asked them last week and they told us. Neighbouring gold and diamond mines lead the pack with about 25% of the votes each. They were followed by uranium mines (18%) and base metal mines (13%). For some reason only two readers (3%) chose a coal mine. Thankfully only 15% of our readers are opposed to living near any kind of mine.
However, the comments we received pointed out an omission on our part. Several readers wrote to say we should have had a choice to indicate that they would not mine living near any kind of mine.
In the words of Martin Bobinski of Red Lake, Ont., "I have lived in four mining towns throughout my career and have observed significant positive changes over the past 35 years. With current standards under which mines must operate, I feel much more comfortable living next door to one than standing near a 400 series highway during rush hour."
We were also taken to task about not including non-metal mines (potash, salt or gypsum) or not differentiating between open pit and underground mines.