CLAUDE RESOURCES of Saskatoon welcomes two new vice-presidents to its management team: Brian Skanderbeg as VP exploration and Dwight Percy as VP corporate development.
James A. Currie is the new VP operations at London, Ont.-based FORTUNE MINERALS. He will lead the engineering and development push at the company's NICO cobalt-gold-bismuth deposit in the Northwest Territories and the Mount Klappan anthracite coal deposit in British Columbia.
Vancouver's POTASH ONE has named Mike Ferguson the project director for the Legacy development. Ferguson's potash career began in 1984, and he has worked at all the major producers in Saskatchewan. He earned his BSc in mechanical engineering from the University of Saskatchewan and graduate certificate in project management from Pennsylvania State University.
SHERWOOD COPPER of Vancouver has added operating experience to its team. Randall Thompson, formerly operations manager at the Myra Falls operation in British Columbia, is now the general manager of Sherwood's Minto copper mine in the Yukon. Brad Mercer has been promoted to VP exploration; he led the company's exploration team credited with discovering the Area 2 and Area 118 high-grade deposits at the Minto project. Lawrence Bell, former chairman and CEO of BC Hydro, has been invited to join Sherwood's board of directors. He also serves as chair of the Canada Line Rapid Transit Project and has served as Deputy Minister of Finance and Secretary to the Treasury Board, as well a chair of the University of British Columbia's Board of Governors.