MINERAL PROCESSING – FLSmidth wins $65M contracts for Penasquito

PENNSYLVANIA - FLSMIDTH MINERALS has signed multiple contracts worth approximately US$65 million for the Penasquito...
PENNSYLVANIA - FLSMIDTH MINERALS has signed multiple contracts worth approximately US$65 million for the Penasquito gold project in Zacatecas, Mexico. The project is owned by Vancouver-based GOLDCORP.

FLSmidth (formerly FFE Minerals) will supply crushing and grinding equipment, flotation cells and hydrocyclones. The list includes:
- 1 Fuller-Traylor 1.5-by-2.9-metre gyratory crusher
- 2 Fuller-Traylor 11.6-by-7.0-metre gearless SAG mills
- 4 Fuller-Traylor 7.3-by-11.4-metres dual pinion ball mills
- 33 Wemco 257-m3 SmartCells (roughers and scavengers)
- a combination of smaller Wemco and Dorr-Oliver flotation cells (cleaners)
- 24 Krebs gMAX33 cyclones

The Fuller-Traylor gyratory crusher and mills for Pensaquito are some of the largest of their kind in the world today. The two lines combined will be able to process 130,000 t/d of ore making the installation the largest plant installed under one roof at one time. The SAG mills will be driven by gearless motor drives rated at 18 MW each.

The Krebs gMAX cyclone technology incorporates high-capacity hydrocyclone banks capable of producing finer and sharper particle separations, previously only achievable with smaller diameter hydrocyclones. This new technology has quickly become the industry standard offering improved performance, reduced wear life, and equating to lower installed capital and operating costs, says FLSmidth.

First installed in Chile in 2003, the technology of the 257-m3 SmartCells has proven successful in many areas of the world, exceeding hydrodynamic and metallurgical performance of smaller cells. With this order of 33 SmartCells, Penasquito joins the list of premier installations for large cell technology.

For more information call FLSmidth's marketing department at 610-264-6550 or visit www.FLSmidthMinerals.com.


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