ONTARIO - RAINY RIVER RESOURCES of Vancouver has received assays for the 11 holes completed at its project near Kenora before the holidays. All 11 holes returned consistent gold values.
The best intersection, in NR07-207 at the 350 m level of ODM zone, graded 2.37 g/t Au over 43.5 metres including a higher grade interval of 9.06 g/t Au over 9.0 metres. In NR07-198, Rainy River previously announced a 4.0-metre-wide semi-massive sulphide interval grading 25.67 g/t Au and 184.14 g/t Ag occurring within a broader, 12.0-metre-wide mineralized zone (Cap Trend). The company reports that the 12.0-metre interval graded 8.93 g/t Au and 75.34 g/t Ag.
Both a table of assay results and a longitudinal section of the project are available at www.RainyRiverResources.com.