ENVIRONMENT AWARD – Yukon-Nevada Gold wins Leckie award

YUKON - Lynn Patterson, chairman of Vancouver-based YUKON-NEVADA GOLD, accepted the Robert E. Leckie award on behal...
YUKON - Lynn Patterson, chairman of Vancouver-based YUKON-NEVADA GOLD, accepted the Robert E. Leckie award on behalf of his company. The award recognizes outstanding quartz (hardrock) reclamation practices. It was presented at the YUKON GEOSCIENCE FORUM in Whitehorse on Nov. 26.

Yukon-Nevada has been operating a year-round exploration drilling program at its wholly owned Ketza River property near Ross River since April 2005. The award reflects the vigorous cleanup program on this previously abandoned site.

Reclamation efforts include removing waste petroleum contaminants and chemicals from the site, disposing of 600 barrels of various substances and over 100 truckloads of trash. Three waste dump areas established by the previous operator and previously drilled areas have been reclaimed, re-sloped and seeded.

Several old buildings and scrap metal have been removed, the mill has been cleaned up and secured, and a new incinerator has replaced the landfill.

Bob Leckie, whose name graces the award, was a Mayo mining inspector and an innovator dedicated to developing progressive land use practices for mining. More information about the award and how to make a nomination is available at www.EMR.gov.yt.ca/mining/leckie.html.


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