LABRADOR - Montreal-based IRON ORE COMPANY OF CANADA (IOC) has commissioned a new process that will restore Wabush Lake to its natural colour and recover lost fish habitat. The company has spent $120 million and four years to develop the process based on proven flocculation technology commonly used in municipal water treatment facilities.
By adding flocculant, the transparency of the water will be improved and the amount of iron reduced in the lake. With reduced turbidity and reduced sedimentation in the lake, the production of food for the fish population will increase. When the mine closes permanently, the tailings footprint may be as large as 14.3 million square metres.
IOC is proud of the fact that its Wabush Lake program will exceed the legal requirements of the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER), meeting the higher expectations of the local community.
The commissioning ceremony was held Nov. 8, 2007, in Labrador City. Go to and look under "environment" for fact sheets about the Wabush Lake restoration program.