COPPER DEVELOPMENT – Changes okayed at Tulsequah Chief

BRITISH COLUMBIA - The British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office has accepted the design and infrastructure ...
BRITISH COLUMBIA - The British Columbia Environmental Assessment Office has accepted the design and infrastructure changes for the Tulsequah Chief mine, 100 km south of Atlin. Owner and developer REDCORP VENTURES of Vancouver is preparing the underground copper mine and 2,000-t/d mill for start-up in late 2008.

The revised plans include:
- Moving the pyrite storage facility to within a lined waste rock temporary storage area.
- Reducing the size of temporary waste rock storage to 3.0 ha from 5.6 ha.
- Moving the crushing and milling facility to an enclosed building.
- Operating the mill at full 2,000-t/d capacity.
- Combining three infrastructure facilities on a single previously disturbed area.

Redcorp also received a five-year extension to its original Project Approval Certificate during which time the project must reach start-up.

The application to approve the use of air cushion barges for year-round access to the mine site is still in progress.

Details of the Tulsequah Chief project are available at


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