We at CMJ are always happy to hear from readers and flattered that our opinions resonate with others. Bill Hobbs, writing on the NewsBusters site, repeated our challenge that the truth about the Rosia Montana fight must be dug out by impartial journalists.
He wrote: "The American media - especially elite media such as the New York Times and PBS, which have run stories and documentaries that slant against the mine - should study the Soros web[sites] Hill describes and learn how Soros uses a myriad of NGOs and foundations to push his political and business agenda. Soros is a major player in both American and global politics. His actions and tactics deserve intense - and impartial - scrutiny."
Hobbs' column may be read in its entirety at http://newsbusters.org/blogs/bill-hobbs/2007/09/06/mining-industry-publication-yearns-impartial-journalists.