GOLD EXPLORATION – Drilling expands all zones at Lac Herbin

QUEBEC - ALEXIS MINERALS of Toronto has reported this week on underground delineation drilling at the Lac Herbin go...
QUEBEC - ALEXIS MINERALS of Toronto has reported this week on underground delineation drilling at the Lac Herbin gold project 10 km northeast of Val d'Or. Drilling in the HW zone cut a remarkable 78.17 g/t Au (uncut) or 34.28 g/t Au (cut) over a true width of 1.4 metres. Drilling continues with three rigs.

Underground development at Lac Herbin is also on-going. New drifts will provide additional sites for exploration drilling. Access is also being prepared to selected areas for test stoping. The deposit is 1.8 km from the 1,400 t/d Aurbel mill that is 100% owned by Alexis.

The company says it has made significant progress during recent months in understanding the deposit. Exploration has resulted in ore zone extensions to several of the principle ore zones, namely the S1W, S1E and HW zones. In addition, the Deep South zone, the new high grade discovery to the south and outside the limits of the principal mine resource area, appears to be a major new zone of mineralization found and delineated from the 200-m level down to the 400-m level.

New intersections on the deepest, eastern extremity of the S1E Zone (LH01-168) at the 200-m level also indicate that this zone remains open to extension further to the southeast.

A recent re-evaluation of exploration data has re-interpreted a structure that was originally thought to be the host of the HW and HW2 zone. Many recent and previous drill holes on the HW structures are now believed to represent intersections in the WE gold zone. The new model expands potential in the WE zone by 100 metres in strike length towards the west, and adds 225 metres of down-dip extent to below the 275-metre vertical elevation.

The HW2 zone is recognized as a deeper zone beneath the WE zone and is mostly unexplored by drilling. Additional exploration below these previously reported intersections will be directed to test the deeper HW2 zone.

The Lac Herbin technical report dated May 2007 is posted at


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