TEST MINING – Shakespeare bulk sample to be processed at Strathcona mill (July 25, 2007)

ONTARIO - URSA MAJOR MINERALS of Toronto is pushing forward with development of the new Shakespeare nickel mine, 70...
ONTARIO - URSA MAJOR MINERALS of Toronto is pushing forward with development of the new Shakespeare nickel mine, 70 km west of Sudbury. It is test mining a 50,000-tonne bulk sample for processing at XSTRATA NICKEL's Strathcona mill. The first shipment was made on July 19, and the entire 50,000 tonnes should be processed over the next four weeks.

Ursa Major completed a positive feasibility study on the Shakespeare project in 2006. The deposit contains a diluted probable reserve of 11.2 million tonnes grading 0.33% Ni, 0.35% Cu, 0.02% Co and 0.9 g /t PMs. The company is permitting two open pits (Shakespeare East and West zones), a 4,500-t/d mill to process ore, a co-disposal waste management facility and related site infrastructure. The feasibility study is available on the company's website at www.UrsaMajorMinerals.com.

The CONSULTING ENGINEERS OF ONTARIO gave an environmental engineering award of merit to GOLDER PASTE TECHNOLOGY for is work on the paste fill system for the Shakespeare mine. Contact Frank Palkovits at Golder (705-524-6861) for additional information.


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