DIAMOND EXPLORATION – Renard 3 gives up 7.8-ct stone

QUEBEC - STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP. of Vancouver and its 50/50 joint venture partner SOQUEM of Quebec City have found ...
QUEBEC - STORNOWAY DIAMOND CORP. of Vancouver and its 50/50 joint venture partner SOQUEM of Quebec City have found a 7.8-ct and a 6.1-ct diamond from their Renard 3 kimberlite. The large diamonds are described as colourless and near-gem and gem quality, respectively.

These are the two largest diamonds unearthed in the province to date. The discovery was part of a 417-t sample that yielded a total of 624 ct of stones.

A total of 1,927 t of kimberlite from the Renard 3 material have now been processed at the 10 t/h DMS plant located at the Renard site. A further 559 t have been processed from Renard 2, and 142 t from Renard 4. Final diamond recovery is expected to be completed in Q3 2007, with a full market valuation following.

Stornoway expects to release diamond recovery results on a batched basis as they become available. Go to www.StornowayDiamonds.com to read the latest results.


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