ONTARIO - Once again exploration proves that the best place to find gold is in a gold mine, and what a gold mine the Red Lake District has been for decades. Now it is KING'S BAY GOLD of Winnipeg reporting spectacular finds. Surface grab samples from its Bobjo property have assayed as high as 2,942.70 g/t Au and 806.90 g/t Au. The samples came from a vein with a width of approximately 6.0 m.
The Bobjo property is located between the former South Bay and Uchi Lake gold mines on the east limb of the Confederation Assemblage. Work is being carried out under a 50:50 joint venture agreement between King's Bay and MAINSTREAM MINERALS. They have completed a stripping program that uncovered many previously undiscovered gold-bearing quartz veins, shears and stringers. Some of them assayed 55.34 g/t Au, 42.65 g/t Au, 42.37 g/t Au, 36.89 g/t Au and 36.23 g/t Au.
King's Bay and Mainstream are planning further exploration in early 2007. The King's Bay website was under construction at press time, so contact company president Richard Rivet at 204-253-4653.