BRITISH COLUMBIA - SULTAN MINERALS of Vancouver has an initial resource calculation for its Jersey-Emerald property in the Kootenay District. Within the tungsten zones, using a cut-off grade of 0.15% WO3, the results show 2.51 million tons averaging 0.37% WO3 classed as measured plus indicated, with an additional 1.21 million tons averaging 0.40% WO3 classed as inferred. In the molybdenum zone, the results at a 0.05% Mo cut-off show 28,000 tons averaging 0.098 % Mo classed as indicated with a further 481,000 tons averaging 0.103% Mo classed as inferred.
Sultan's landholdings include the former Emerald mine, which produced both tungsten and a lead-zinc product. It was once the second-largest tungsten producer in the world, but it closed in 1973.
More information is available about Sultan at