ONTARIO - The mill at the Island gold mine near Wawa is to begin commissioning this week. The opening of the 650-tonnes/day plant was delayed two months by late shipments of key components from third party suppliers.
Island is a joint venture of Toronto's PATRICIA MINING CORP. and Montreal's RICHMONT MINES. The property includes the former Kremzar gold mine that operated briefly in the late 1980s. At year-end 2005, the property hosted 29,277 tonnes at 10.90 g/t Au in the measured resources category, 294,680 tonnes at 11.19 g/t Au in the indicated category, and 352,028 tonnes at 12.08 g/t Au, for a total of slightly more than 250,000 oz.
Interested readers can learn more at www.PatriciaMining.com.