QUEBEC Toronto-based FALCONBRIDGE is making plans to expand the Raglan nickel-copper mine over the next six years. The first part of the program will focus on developing new ore reserves and cost nearly $240 million. The second part consists of studying ways to boost production to 1.3 million tonnes/year as early as 2009. A 30% increase in concentrate production would require an additional investment of roughly $250 million.
Falconbridge has also earmarked $50 million for major renovations of its Deception Bay loading dock.
Inaugurated in 1997, the Raglan project comprises three underground mines, one open pit, and a concentrator. In 2005 the mill shipped concentrates 22,224 tonnes of nickel, 5,842 tones of copper and 525 tonnes of cobalt.
CMJ took a look at Raglan in our September 2005 issue.