ONTARIO BENTON RESOURCES of Thunder Bay says it has discovered a new area of high-grade PGEs plus gold and an area of copper-nickel-cobalt mineralization. Both discoveries are located along a 2.5-km stretch between the historical Sally and Wullie Lake copper-iron-titanium deposits near Marathon, Ont.
The company reports that grab samples from the PGE zone graded 12.1 g/t total precious metals with 0.67% Cu.
The base metal discovery has returned 0.82% Ni, 1.8% Cu, 0.3% Co, 4.0 g/t Ag and 0.5 g/t total precious metals from trench samples.
Location and drill hole maps are available at www.BentonResources.ca, as is the 43-101 technical report produced in January 2005.