LONDON, U.K. - The INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL ON MINING & METALS (ICMM) 2005 annual review is available now at In it, the council describes its recent activities towards improving sustainable development performance in the industry.
Some of the highlights in the report are:
TRANSPARENCY - ICMM is committed to the 10 principles of sustainable development and has become the first industry body to promise a high level of public accountability.
ENVIRONMENT - ICMM published information on financial assurance for mine closure and reclamation to ensure that adequate resources will be available to meet the cost of closure.
SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - The ICMM published a community development toolkit to support local opportunities by showing how mining and mineral processing can contribute to sustainable community development.
MATERIALS STEWARDSHIP - The UN Preparatory Committee for the development of a Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management has recognized ICMM's policies.
The ICMM Annual Review 2005 is available at Comments from readers are welcome.