Vancouver-based GOLDCORP is looking forward to acquiring the Campbell gold mine currently owned by Placer Dome by the end of April. With that in mind, Goldcorp said it will create a business unit known as RED LAKE GOLD MINES to operate the Campbell mine and Goldcorp's Red Lake mine as a single, large operation. Certain management changes have also been announced, effective April 24:
Dan Gagnon will become mine general manager, adding the Campbell mine to his responsibilities.
Claude Lemasson will become general manager of projects in North America. His portfolio will include advancement of the Eleonore project in Quebec.
Chris Cormier will become mine general manager of the Porcupine joint venture.
Peter Busse will leave the Campbell mine for other opportunities.
VVC EXPLORATION of Toronto has named Rene Dufour as a director and chairman of the corporation. The current chairman, Jean-Paul Boily will remain president and CEO.
CENTURY MINING of Blaine, Washington, has announced two new key appointments. Dan Brost is now manager of resource geology with responsibility for reporting resource estimates. Alan Gorman is director of special projects and will be based at the Sigma-Lamaque Complex in Quebec.
George Sanders has joined CONSOLIDATED PACIFIC BAY MINERALS of Vancouver as its president and CEO. The former holder of those positions, Guilford H. Brett, has stepped aside and assumed the responsibilities of chairman.