PERU -- BEAR CREEK MINING of Vancouver received the first independent resource estimate for its Corani silver project earlier this week. The report was prepared by SRK CONSULTING.
Corani, located in the southern part of the country, is estimated to contain 27.9 million tonnes of measured and indicted resources (using a cut-off of 20 g/t) in the Main zone at 48.8 g/t Ag, 0.79% Pb and 0.58% Zn. There is also an inferred resource in the Main and two other zones of 87.6 million tonnes at 75.6 g/t Ag, 1.03% Pb and 0.58% Zn. The three zones together may host 250.0 million oz of silver.
Bear Creek plans additional drilling to raise the classification and tonnage of the mineralization. A description of the project is posted at