NORTHERN ALBERTA - On Jan. 5, 2006, SUNCOR ENERGY sold its one-billionth barrel of oil sands crude since operations began almost four decades ago.
"Our entry into the oil sands business was deemed 'a daring venture into an unknown field'," said Rick George, Suncor president & CEO. "Now, almost 40 years later, that pioneering spirit of innovation, hard work and vision continues to be the hallmark of our success."
Suncor's oil sands operations began on Sept. 30, 1967 at a rate of about 45,000 bbl/day. Through the years, the company continued to grow, expand and adjust to meet market demands and stakeholder expectations. Today, its production capacity stands at 260,000 bbl/day, with plans in place to further expand to more than half a million barrels per day by 2010 to 2012.
Congratulations can be sent to Suncor at P.O. Box 38, 112 Fourth Ave. SW, Calgary, AB T2P 2V5.